Causes for Fatigue or Tiredness

Do you feel like you are tired all the time? Are you having difficulty staying awake to watch your favorite TV shows or to do your favorite hobby? Most of us really know how it feels to be tired or sleepy, especially when we are having flu, cold or any other viral infection. Nearly, every one of us is overtired from time to time. But when you start experiencing constant lack of energy and on-going tiredness or fatigue, it may be the time to think about your condition and the best time to check with the doctor.
Fatigue is the condition of a lingering tiredness that is constant and limiting. When you’re having fatigue, you may have persistent, unexplained and relapsing exhaustion. The feeling of fatigue is similar to that which you feel when having flu or missed a lot of sleep. In case of a chronic fatigue, you may wake up in the morning feeling as you haven’t slept or you may be unable to perform properly at work or you may feel too exhausted to manage your routine activities. In most cases, there is a reason for fatigue.
Most of the time, one or more of your habits is associated with fatigue especially lack of exercise. Usually, fatigue is a symptom of any other medical condition or problem or disease that requires medical treatment.
Here’s a brief overview of some important causes of fatigue:
Taking an honest record of those things in your daily life that are causing you fatigue is the first step to get relief from the problem. Some of these common factors include:
- Use of drugs or alcohol
- Lack of sleep
- Lack of physical activity or exercise
- Unhealthy eating habits
- Medications such as antihistamines or cough medicines
- Excess physical activity
- Jet lag (condition of extreme tiredness and other physical effects that a person feels after long flight across several time zones)
Any type of serious illness especially painful ones can make you feel tired; even some minor illnesses also cause exhaustion. Unrelenting exhaustion may be caused by the effects of certain drugs or therapies which are used to treat medical conditions. Some of the most important of these causes include:
Acute liver failure is the loss of liver function which occurs rapidly such as in some days or weeks and it usually develops in a person who has no pre-existing liver disease. It is less common than chronic liver failure which develops slowly.
The condition, in which a person doesn’t have enough healthy red blood cells that can carry adequate oxygen to the tissues of the body, is called as Anemia. If you have Anemia then it makes you feel tired and weak.
Cancer refers to the development of abnormal cells in the body that can divide uncontrollably and have the ability to infiltrate the normal cells of the body and destroy them. There are many types of cancers each one having its own symptoms, causes and ways of treatment.
Chronic fatigue syndrome is a complicated disorder, in which a person feels severe and disabling tiredness that goes for long time period. The person may experience some other symptoms such as sore throat, headache, muscle and joint pain. It is also called myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) and systemic exertion intolerance disease (SEID).
A gradual loss of the function of kidney is called as chronic kidney disease or chronic kidney failure. The kidneys filter wastes and excess fluids from the blood which are excreted in urine. When chronic kidney disease turns into advanced stage then dangerous levels of wastes and fluids start build up in the body.
Depression is defined as a mood disorder which causes a continual feeling of sadness to the person and loss of interest. Depression can make you feel sad and also it can make you feel drained of the energy. It can even stop you to fall asleep and wake you up early in the morning due to which you feel tired all the day.
Tiredness is one of the main symptoms of Diabetes, a condition caused by high level of sugar in the blood. Some other main symptoms are feeling too much thirsty, weight loss and going to the toilet a lot.
Heart disease refers to various conditions or diseases that can only affect your heart. These conditions include heart rhythm problems (arrhythmias), heart defects a person born with (congenital heart defects), stroke, heart attack, angina and coronary heart disease. Many types of heart diseases can be treated and prevented with healthy lifestyle changes.
Hyperthyroidism is a condition in which the thyroid gland produces large amount of thyroid hormone called thyroxine and this condition accelerates the metabolism of the body and cause sudden weight loss, sweating, rapid or irregular heartbeat and nervousness.
The hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) is a condition in which thyroid gland produces too little thyroxine in the body which causes tiredness. Other symptoms include weight gain and having aching muscles. This condition is more common in women and occurs usually when they get old.
Inflammatory bowel disease is a chronic inflammation of some part or all of the digestive tract. It includes two most common diseases: Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn’s Disease. Both these conditions cause fatigue, pain, severe diarrhea and weight loss.
Some medications, treatments or therapies may also cause fatigue such as radiation therapy, chemotherapy, heart drugs, pain medications and antidepressants.
If your fatigue is accompanied by shortness of breath, chest pain, fast or irregular heartbeat, severe abdominal pain, pelvic or back pain, severe headache, bleeding from rectum, blood in your vomit or the feeling that you can’t survive then immediately get the emergency care.
Schedule an appointment with the doctor if your fatigue has persisted for two weeks or more. You can consult fatigue doctor in NJ at GI Endoscopy Practice who has years of experience in treating patients with fatigue or tiredness and extensive training in performing diagnostic tests to identify the actual cause of the fatigue, followed by a proper treatment plan that completely cures the diagnosed underlying medical condition, so that you can get relief from fatigue.
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