How To Know That You Have Ulcerative Colitis?

Many people get stomach cramps and diarrhea but if you are experiencing these symptoms a lot and they are getting severe with extreme cramping and blood in stool then you should consult your doctor before it’s too late. These symptoms may be a sign that you are suffering from Ulcerative Colitis, a disease if diagnosed at early stage can be treated and cured progressively. Ulcerative Colitis is an inflammation of the large intestine or colon, with ulcers or sores developing in the inner lining of the colon. Your doctor will ask you to get some tests or exams to figure out whether you have Ulcerative Colitis or not.
A wide range of exams are used by physicians to diagnose the disease, some of them are as follows:
Here we give you an overview of each of these tests so that you can become well aware of them:
Blood test can show if the patient has anemia or not because it is one of the major symptoms of Ulcerative Colitis. Anemia is the condition when red blood cells start decreasing and are not able to supply enough oxygen to the tissues of the body. The blood test helps to identify it and other infections. The doctor takes blood sample and sends it for analysis. After that, the report will come within few days. The doctor then studies the report. Similarly, stool tests are also used by the doctors to diagnose the disease. A sample of stool is taken and sends to laboratory for analysis. The doctor looks for white blood cells in the stool report, a sign of the disease.
Another exam to diagnose Ulcerative Colitis is Colonoscopy. It is an out-patient procedure, which means that the patient can go to home on the same day without any stay. The procedure normally completes within 30 minutes to 60 minutes. Before performing the procedure, the doctor recommends patient to follow the instructions. Usually, patient needs to drink liquid laxative a night before the exam which is necessary to clean up the colon with bowels. A clean large intestine helps the doctor to easily view it during the exam.
Before starting the procedure, the doctor gives a sedative to patient for relaxation. During the procedure, a long, thin and flexible tube called Colonoscope is inserted into rectum that can easily bend and move through the colon. The tiny video camera at the tip of the scope helps the doctor to view entire colon. The doctor can take biopsy or sample of tissue for analysis.
Sigmoidoscopy can also be performed to diagnose Ulcerative Colitis. It is an out-patient procedure for visual examination of the rectum and sigmoid colon, which is the last part of the colon just above the rectum. The colon is 5-6 feet long and during this exam only last 1-2 feet of the colon is examined. This is a routine procedure taking 15-20 minutes. A Sigmoidoscope or endoscope is the main equipment used in the procedure. It is a long, flexible and lighted tube connected with an eyepiece for viewing.
In order to get the benefits from the exam, it is imperative that the rectum and sigmoid colon be clean. The Sigmoidoscopy preparation involves drinking liquids and enemas or laxatives a day before the exam. Other instructions are given by the doctor. During the procedure, the endoscope is inserted into the rectum. Air is pumped to inflate the bowel and expands it for careful examination. The tube is then moved around the rectum and lower colon allowing the physician to see inner lining of colon and may be able to detect if the patient has Ulcerative Colitis. The open channels at the endoscope allow the physician to pass additional instruments and take biopsies or remove polyps. After the exam, the doctor explains the results to patient.
The doctor might recommend X-Ray to make sure that a patient doesn’t have any other problem such as perforated colon. The CT scan helps the physician to detect any complications caused by Ulcerative Colitis. Like other exams, a patient needs to prepare before CT scan according to doctor’s instructions. The preparation normally involves drinking clear liquids a night before the exam and eating nothing before 4 hours of test. The CT scan usually takes 15-60 minutes.
Our team of experienced physicians and highly qualified anesthesiologists perform the various procedures to diagnose Ulcerative Colitis using the advanced equipment and comfortable facilities. We use highly reliable monitoring systems during every procedure. So, if you’re experiencing any of the symptoms or have been diagnosed with this disease then you can book an appointment with our physicians as they will help you in the best possible manner.
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